Civil Engineering
We have specialists in site development, transportation, and utility systems. The civil engineering team navigates through complex environmental and regulatory challenges as well as apply the latest “green” technologies within these areas of expertise.
We take pride in solving clients’ site development needs with civil engineers who are experts in all aspects of site design. Critical components include determining potential environmental impacts and designing efficient and economical site layouts that give full consideration of grading, drainage, erosion control, stormwater management, and utility services requirements. From simple drainage improvement projects to full design of large sites, our engineers have the experience and expertise to help clients reach their goals.
We offer design services for water systems, wastewater facilities, and utilities. For water systems this includes transmission, storage, and treatment; for wastewater facilities this includes collection, handling and treatment; and for utilities this includes water, sewer, and gas lines as well as underground electrical duct bank, telecommunications, and cable television installations. Our Engineers have the skills to meet any challenge that may occur during the design and construction process.